Newsletter 13th February 2025

School Newsletter
Learn to Grow

Term 1 Week 2 Kawerongo 2024

Important Dates 


23rd   Yr 4-6 Swimming Sports

24th   Saver Day Swimming Sports

26th Board  Meeting 6.45pm

28th   Whanau Afternoon 1.45 – 3pm


5th     Yr 3 Swimming Display

11th   Interschol Swimming Sports

          @ Coatesville

12th – 27th Life Education

13th   Saver Day Inter School Swim


17th  Year 3 Museum Trip

26th   New Entrant Parent Evening



6th   Shore to Shore

10th Last day for students 

11th  Teacher Only Day – school closed



Before School Care: Lorna: [email protected]

After School Care: Karen: 027 223 5934 – [email protected]

Piano/Drama: Susan Fraser: 021 378 007

Guitar/Drums: Paul Barry – [email protected], ph:  022 198 0044

School Uniform Shop on-site: Tuesday 2.45 – 3.15pm. 

Principal’s News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Your children have made a great start to 2025.  It is lovely to walk around the school seeing them settled so well into their classrooms, showing resilience in their learning, making new friendships, and welcoming the new children who have started with us this year. 

Over the summer break we completed some renovations to our year 4-6 classrooms, which now all have new carpet and autex walls, improving the learning environments for our senior students. We are also in the process of the fencing replacement along Isobel and Greenhithe Road, which is scheduled to be completed near the end of February. 

Pride Values at Greenhithe School

Our PRIDE values: Perseverance, Resilience, Initiative, Diligence and Excellence are important learning opportunities. The children discuss the use of the values in their classes, learn what they mean, how they can demonstrate them and why they are important. Our school vision of ‘capable, confident, balanced’ support this journey of moral development throughout your child’s years at our school.

The children can earn house points for using our values around the school, both in and out of the classroom. These house points are added up and contribute to our house cup. Each fortnight the house with the most points flies their flag outside the school office, and the winning house for the term gets some extra lunch play and a chance to wear their house colours for the day.

Michelle Butler, Vicki Matheson and I, as the senior leadership team, have special certificates that we give out when we see or hear about wonderful use of the values in our school. These are displayed in the office and the children get a mention in the newsletter.  

The following children have been awarded certificates: Eva Coetzee, Oliver Pretty, Carter Guest, Nathan Xu, Nick Zhao, Ash Hurst, Declan Barnes. 


Our students wear their school uniform with PRIDE. The children must wear the school polo shirts. The lower half garments must be plain navy blue in colour.  Jeans/denim/black leggings are not considered appropriate. We encourage the children to wear sensible footwear (trainers, sandals) but not jandals. It is always a good idea to name all clothing and footwear to minimuse lost property!  A Greenhithe School hat is compulsory in term 1. The uniform shop is open on site each Tuesday afternoon: 2:45-3:15pm.


If your child is away sick or will be absent for the day, please send an email to: [email protected] as this information goes directly to the office. Alternately you can fill out the absence form under the ‘Contact us’ tab on our school website. Please do not email teachers on the day of an absence or via seesaw as sometimes these are not read in time for the roll. We appreciate your effort in this.

Phones At Greenhithe School

If your child brings a phone to school it must be handed in to their teacher. The phones are then stored securely in the office and the phones returned at the end of the day. No phones are permitted in the classrooms or during break times at school. This has been in place for some time at our school. This meets the criteria set out by the Ministry of Education.

School drop offs 

It is essential to provide a safe environment for all students arriving and leaving school! Our crossings are patrolled to ensure this happens. Please DO NOT STOP ON ANY YELLOW LINES around the school on either Isobel Rd or Greenhithe Rd. This not only impares the vision of our patrollers and can blockthe entrance to  our staff car park, but is also illigal. Please help keep our community safe by using the drop off area on Sunnyview Rd in the mornings.

Whanau Afternoon

On Friday 28th February we have our Whanau afternoon (1:50-2:50-pm). This is an open afternoon for you to visit the classrooms in action, perhaps support or even participate in the classroom activities. You are welcome to go directly to your child’s classroom at 1:50pm, once the afternoon role and routines have been completed. The PTA is kindly handing out ice blocks at the end of the day!

School Donations and Activity Contributions

Thank you to those who have already paid their school contribution, it is most appreciated, and helps us plan great opportunities for our students.

Our 2025 contribution requests remain unchanged from last year and are as follows:

School Donation – $55 per term or $220 for the whole school year.  The amount for 3rd or subsequent children will remain at $37.50 per term or $150 for the whole school year.

Classroom Activity Contributions – $40 per term or $160 for the whole school year.

Kindo is our preferred method for all your school payments. If you are a new family to Greenhithe School or you were unable to set an account up last year, please find all the information you need on our school website.

Ngā mihi 

Kelly Knowles

Acting Principal

Thank you to our PTA and parent community for helping to raise funds to provide a new sandpit cover and renovation. Watch this space as it begins. Oliver and Carter helped with the sandpit cover ideas and measuring of the sandpit as they take their role as monitors very seriously. Thank you.

Community Connections


Greenhithe is a MITEY School

At Greenhithe School we are mentally healthy and feel a sense of belonging when we feel respected, valued and heard. Ideas and well being are valued, ensuring that everyone feels supported and appreciated.

Time is taken to build and nurture relationships.

From the STEAM Room

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Music

We welcome Mrs. Snowden in Rm 25 and 26 this year to deliver an exciting curriculum for all our students during their teachers release time. The students will experience science, technology, and the arts at some point throughout the year. Watch this space for some of the exciting opportunities they will experience.

Greenhithe PTA

Greenhithe School PTA.

All Welcome!

Friday Iceblocks – Term 1, every Friday outside the office from 2.45pm (starting 14 February)

AGM – 25 February, 7pm School Staffroom

We are always keen to have nominations for the elected roles of Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. Please email the PTA account at [email protected] if you are interested.

Who We Are:

The Greenhithe School PTA is a passionate group of parents and teachers who work together to support the school by fundraising for much-needed items. These funds are put towards items such as playground upgrades, sports equipment and uniforms, and new resources.

We meet most months on a Tuesday from 7pm to discuss all things related to our fundraising activities and provide a forum for community feedback. Our ultimate goal is to continue to grow and nurture the great positive community we have within the school and wider Greenhithe.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate, and even if you can’t make the meeting, assisting at a PTA-supported event is super helpful!

Pop along to our first meeting on February 25 and get to know our wonderful Greenhithe PTA.

Thanks, Sjaan and the Greenhithe PTA

Sports Corner     Korero hākinakina


Welcome back to another year of Sport at Greenhithe School!

My name is Sharon Hilton-Jones and I am the Sports Co-ordinator for all sports played outside school hours. Charlene Boyd is the sports coordinator for all Physical Education and sports played within school hours. Our office is located behind the Junior Sandpit.

‘Sports Corner’ is a regular feature in our school newsletter to inform and update our sporting events and successes. Please feel free to email me at [email protected]  with anything you would like included.

Our school website has all the information that you would need to know about the various sports that we offer students.

All registrations are done online through Kindo.  I send an email out when each sport is open for registration.


The Senior School swimming sports will be held at school on Tuesday 25th February (saver day Wednesday 26th February). All spectators are very welcome to attend. Here is a timetable of the day.

9am – 11am  YEAR 6 BOYS and GIRLS   

Freestyle – 1 length

Non-Competitive flutter-board races  – 1 length

Backstroke –   1 length

Breaststroke  – 1 length

Medley –    1 length each of  backstroke/breaststroke/freestyle

11-30am-12-50pm  YEAR 5  BOYS and GIRLS

Freestyle – 1 length

Non-Competitive flutter-board races – 1 length

Backstroke –   1 length

Breaststroke  – 1 length

Medley –    1 length each of backstroke/freestyle

1-15pm – 3pm   YEAR 4  BOYS and GIRLS

Freestyle – 1 length

Non-Competitive flutter-board races – 1 length

Backstroke –   1 length

Breaststroke  – 1 length



MINIBALL (modified basketball)   Miniball is for all genders, and all Year 3-6 children. Games are played on a Tuesday night for Year 3 and 4 and on a Wednesday night for Year 5 and 6. Games start on Tuesday, 11th March, and Wednesday, 12th March. When you sign up, you are signing up for two terms, 1 and 2 (Semester One), and then you can decide if your child wants to continue to play in terms 3 and 4 (Semester Two). Miniball is played at various locations depending on the year group and the grade your child is in. The venues are Eventfinda Stadium (North Shore Events Centre), AUT, YMCA, Murrays Bay Intermediate School (Year 5 and 6 only), and Rosmini College. This is due to the high volume of entries there are.

Practices are typically held before school in the hall, and we actively are looking for parents to help coach and manage the teams, so please consider this role.

Registrations close tomorrow Friday 14th February.


Netball is for all ages and genders. Games for Years 1-4 children are played on a
Saturday morning at Pinehurst School and for Years 5 and 6 children, games are played on a Wednesday after school at Netball North Harbour, Northcote. All competitions are for Terms 2 and 3.

Netball registrations are open on Kindo and  you will find all other relevant information there. I will be closing netball registrations on Wednesday 26th  February.

 Netball trials will be held on Tuesday 4th March during school time for Years 3-6 children. We have independent selectors who come in and help select the teams.

Please see below a netball clinic which will be held at school on Saturday 1st March to brush up your child’s skills before the netball season starts.


Hockey is played after school on a Monday and is for all Years 1-6 children. Games are held at the North Harbour Hockey Centre, Bush Road, Rosedale. The competition starts in Term 2 and runs through to the end of Term 3. Hockey registrations are open on Kindo and will close on Thursday 13th March.


Rippa is played at Moire Park in Massey during Terms 2 and 3. It is for Years 3-6 children both boys and girls. We have two tournaments that we attend, and they are both during school time. This is a fun day and it gives children an opportunity to represent our school in a friendly non-competitive way. Registrations for Kindo will open shortly so keep an eye out for that.


When you sign your child up for a sport through Kindo, you will be asked to confirm you have read the Code of Conduct for Players, Parents, Coaches or Managers. It is important that you read through these for yourself and with your child, as our school places a lot of importance on our children representing the school with our PRIDE values. 


If there is anything that you would like included in the school newsletter, an achievement that you think is worth sharing, please email me at [email protected]   

Sharon Hilton-Jones

Sports Co-ordinator   



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