
School Newsletter
Learn to Grow

Term 4 Week 10 Kawerongo 2024

Important Dates 


16th Year 1-2 Conscious Kids Fun day

17th Last Day of Term 4 12pm finish


28th January – School Uniform Shop open       (9 – 12)

30th January – School Uniform Shop open (2.45 – 3.30)

30th January – Meet the Teacher

3rd February – First Day of Term 1


Before School Care: Lorna: [email protected]

After School Care: Karen: 027 223 5934 – [email protected]

Piano/Drama: Susan Fraser: 021 378 007

Guitar/Drums: Paul Barry – [email protected], ph:  022 198 0044

School Uniform Shop on-site: Tuesday 2.45 – 3.15pm.  The Uniform Shop will be open onsite:

Tuesday 28th January 9am – 12pm and Thursday 30th January 2.45pm – 3.30pm

Principal’s News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Just another little newsletter update for you.


I wanted to thank the PTA and the helpers for an amazing event on Friday. The organisation that goes into not only creating the event, but the clean up and hours of pre planning that gives us a great community event. The school items, organised by our amazing teachers, was a highlight. I have to mention how moved I was by the haka delivered by the current and past pupils, that was such an honour, as was the school song! 

Staffing 2025

I would like to wish Kristie Jacobs good luck as she has won a position with the RTLB service, supporting learners across the North Shore. She will be a big miss here, but will be great in her role. We welcome Keeley Robertson to our staff for 2025.

Today your children will meet their 2025 teacher and classes. A new class is a great opportunity for new friends. Their current teacher has suggested some good learning partners for them and this is used when bringing the classes together. Many hours goes into the class placements and although your child may not be with all their friends, it is important to continue to build new friendships and discover new people to learn with. This builds resilience and will be important when they eventually leave primary school to move to intermediate or Junior High, where they will have less people they know. Building these skills in our supportive environment will make the transition easier!

Year 1

Bonita Mowat (Team Leader), Sacha Walsh, Jackie Fitzgerald and Amy Hooper

Year 2

Fran Morrison (Team Leader), Carole Strombeck and Steph Sussex

Year 3

Charlene Boyd (Team Leader), Mel Erceg and Adele Chichester

Year 4/ 5 (Composite Classes)

Jenny Bate (Team Leader), Keeley Robertson, Katie Barnston-Wells, Amy Kimi- Makata

Zara Fletcher and Kathryn Leader

Year 6

Natasha Alexander (Team Leader), Claudia Sheppard and Nicola Lupton

Kelly Knowles becomes acting Principal until 25th March, when Michelle Butler will become the acting Principal until the permanent position is filled. They have been meticulous in planning for 2025 and you can be assured that the school is in great hands during the transition to a new Principal.

Thank you for the support of our school in 2024; have a wonderful summer!

Ngā mihi 

Stephen Grady


Greenhithe School

Community Connections


Greenhithe is a MITEY School

At Greenhithe School we are mentally healthy and feel a sense of belonging when we feel respected, valued and heard. Ideas and well being are valued, ensuring that everyone feels supported and appreciated.

Time is taken to build and nurture relationships.

Our Mitey Children

This is the checklist that we use when integrating the learning during class time to help GROW our Greenhithe students.

From the Artroom

No developments yet!

Greenhithe PTA

Thanks for all your community support on Friday at our Summer Festival. It was an amazing event. Thank you to all the volunteers and the community who supported our school. Have a wonderful break, and see you all in 2025!

Thank you for all your contributions this year to our wonderful school.

Thanks Sjaan and the Greenhithe PTA

Sports Corner     Korero hākinakina

Community Notices

Our good friends at MusiqHub will have some spots free in 2025 for new students keen on Guitar and Drum lessons (held during school hours).  For more info, or to get on the list, please get in touch with [email protected] 
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