I have enjoyed seeing the children learning in class and participating in school life, full of enthusiasm and energy. I have already seen many examples of our children showing our school values. In the last two weeks we have awarded the following children PRIDE certificates: Ellie Mcdonald, Olive Whitehead, Ava Laursen, Honour O’Hagan, Yanxi Yang, Elijah Wimpory, Rebecca Qi, Jake Nell, Ellie Overington, Sofia Turner, Chloe Chamberlain, Milla Jury, Georgia Saunders.
The Whānau Afternoon was a great success. Thank you to those who were able to attend. It has been far too long since we were able to invite you into our school. We love being part of our amazing community, and having you back in our classrooms, sharing in the learning and working alongside your child. A particular mention to those parents who were involved in treasure hunts around the school! You certainly were modelling the values of perseverance and initiative!
Thank you to those who have taken the opportunities to give feedback on our consultation questions. Your input is valuable to us as we look to develop our school’s strategic plan for the next three years. There will be a further opportunity to contribute at the disco, when we will hold a consultation session, with refreshments onsite in the school staffroom, while your children are at the disco! This means you can stay onsite, have a look at our questions, and meet up with other parents.
I was lucky enough to attend (and coach) at the Kristin Winter Sports day. Thank you to all the parents who took time out of their busy schedules to support, transport or coach a team. This was a lovely day and I am always pleased to take the opportunity to get out of the office and be involved with the coaching myself! Our kids, as usual, displayed a great attitude, tried hard and showed wonderful sportsmanship. Thank you to Sharon for her work in organising the day.
Maths week was a big success at school! It was good to see the kids involved in daily maths class challenges, competitions and generally enjoying maths! Thanks to Jo Snowden for the organisation of this fun week in school for our children.
We have our Maths Parent Information Evening coming up on the 1st September, in the school hall. This will be an opportunity to learn how maths teaching has evolved and how our kids learn. We will have some activities out for you to see and some of our kids will be demonstrating some maths classroom activities at different levels. We hope you are able to attend. More information will be provided shortly. We hope to be able to hold more of these curriculum information events in the future.
Thank you to those who have placed orders for your child’s calendar art. The orders will be open until the 31st August and will be back in time for posting overseas for Christmas gifts.
www.kidsartworks.com then use your individual code for your child. Please let the office know if you have any issues with ordering using the provided code.
Ngā mihi
Stephen Grady