Newsletter 27th September 2024

School Newsletter
Learn to Grow

Term 3 Week 10 Kawerongo 2024

Important Dates 



27th End of Term 3

Term 4 Begins 14th October

18th – 30th Annual Book Fair

24th National Shake Out

25th Teacher Only Day School Closed

28th Labour Day School Closed


1st Book Parade

4th – 6th Year 6 Camp

4th – 8th Tread Lightly Caravan years 1 and 2


Before School Care: Lorna: [email protected]

After School Care: Karen: 027 223 5934 – [email protected]

Piano/Drama: Susan Fraser: 021 378 007

Guitar/Drums: Paul Barry – [email protected], ph:  022 198 0044

School Uniform Shop on-site: Tuesday 2.45 – 3.15pm

Principal’s News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

End of Another Busy Term

Another busy term at Greenhithe School has drawn to a close. There has been a lot to reflect on and enjoy in term 3.

School Events

Our school events are always a highlight. Any chance to bring the community together is always fun. This term we had the amazing art show, where I was blown away by the talents of the children of Greenhithe School and we also held the always popular folk dancing showcase for our year one and two learners. This is always such a highlight, the kids just have so much fun!


I can’t let this term finish without acknowledging what a stunning job the PTA have done this term. They have been so busy! With an epic Beats for Bingo community event, raising more than $10,000 for our school and creating a fun filled community event. They also launched the fabulous cookbook ‘Flavours of Home’. I have ordered several copies to take to England at Christmas to cover Christmas presents for my family. Mathathon was yet another success, with our children learning lots of maths while our community supported the fundraising, reaching approximately $10,000.

The team has been amazing and I’d like to thank every single member of our PTA for their hard work for our children!

New Curriculum

Education always seems to be in a state of change. The latest changes to the curriculum bring challenges and opportunities for our school. The timeline for the implementation is one of the biggest challenges and is placing additional workload on our staff and something we are trying to mitigate. We want to look after our amazing team here at Greenhithe.  Our teachers and leaders are certainly putting in the hard work to examine the changes and look at how the new teaching methods can bring positive change to what we do, while continuing to maintain the high expectations of quality teaching that we value.

Our school continues to perform well using the Government approved assessment tools. In our recent testing, using one of these approved tools has shown we are sitting around 94% of our students being at or above their expected level in both reading and maths! These are amazing results, and testament to the outstanding work of all of our staff. While these assessments are taken in years 3-6, the work to reach these levels of attainment begins on the child’s first day in our school. We have a cohesive and hard working staff who work closely together to ensure the children make progress.  

We want to excel as a school in ALL areas of the curriculum. It is important that children have opportunities to continue to learn to love the arts and take part in sports. We want every child at Greenhithe School to live our school vision so that our children grow to be capable, balanced, confident learners who embrace new experiences and opportunities.

I will continue to update you next term as the implementation of the new curriculum and teaching approaches develop.

Eating Time Changes

Following our parent survey and talking to other schools, we will be moving our eating times to the end of play. The times will now be:

Morning tea – 11.00- 11.20 (playtime) 11.20 – 11.30 – eating time at class

Lunch – 12.50 – 1.30 (playtime) 1.30 – 1.40 – eating time at class

This will be a trial for term 4 and we will let you know how it goes.

Holiday Maintenance

As a school, we continue to ensure we have the best facilities for your child to learn. Over this break, our main block is undergoing some work. This includes adding ceiling fans to classrooms to make the summer months a little more comfortable (although the heat of summer seems a long way off still!).

As there is work going on, please ensure if you or your children are using the site over the break, they stay well away from any building work. 

Term Dates 2025

We have been working on our start dates for 2025. They are as follows: 

Meet the Teacher Interview Day: Thursday 30th January 2025

(Details will be sent out nearer the time)

First Day of School: Monday 3rd February 2025

We look forward to seeing the children back for an exciting term 4!

Ngā mihi 

Stephen Grady


Greenhithe School

Book Week at Greenhithe School

We are thrilled to announce that Greenhithe School’s annual Book Week is just around the corner, starting on Friday, 18th October! It’s wonderful to be able to celebrate books again with our students and spark their love for reading through this exciting event.

The highlight of the week is, of course, the Scholastic Book Fair, which will be open from Friday, 18th October through to Wednesday, 30th October. You and your children can visit the fair during these times:

  • Mornings: 8:30 – 9:00 AM
  • Afternoons: 2:45 – 3:15 PM

Every child will have the opportunity to browse the fair during class time and create their own wish list to bring home, making it easier for you to choose books they are excited about.

Special Guest: Stacy Gregg!
We are also incredibly excited to welcome award-winning author Stacy Gregg as part of our Authors in Schools program. Stacy will visit the school to talk to the children about her books and the world of writing—an inspiring session not to be missed!

Character Parade – Let’s Get Creative!
To wrap up this amazing event, we will have our Character Parade on Friday, 1st November at 9:15 AM on the bottom court. This is a wonderful chance for the children to dress up as their favourite book characters and show off their creative outfits! We warmly invite parents to come along and join the fun.

We can’t wait to see the excitement on the children’s faces as they immerse themselves in the world of books. Thank you for your ongoing support in making Book Week such a memorable event for all.

Happy reading!

Leandra (Librarian)

Community Connections


Greenhithe is a MITEY School

At Greenhithe School we are mentally healthy and feel a sense of belonging when we feel respected, valued and heard. Ideas and well being are valued, ensuring that everyone feels supported and appreciated.

Time is taken to build and nurture relationships.

Writing Inspired by the Art Exhibition

Yesterday I went to the Art Show. I went with Mrs Sam. 

From Room 3 and 4, they made a pot with a flower. 

I saw some sea creatures. I like them too. 

But my favourite part was the birds, they were beautiful. 

I am going to it today with my family. 

I think my little brother will love it, especially his own art.

By Inaaya Year 1 Room 2


Last night I went to the art exhibition. 

I saw my dinosaur. It was made out of clay. I saw my dinosaur picture. 

I saw a polar bear on ice in his great dark cave. 

I saw a tiger in his great dark cave. 

I saw lots of animals and Greenhithe people wearing pictures with wings.

By Clara Year 1 Room 1

I went to the Art Show yesterday with Mrs Sam. 

I love my brothers and mine.

I liked the rainbow sea animals. They were beautiful. 

The animal boxes were colourful. My favourite was the cat that was the colour orange and black and the monkey that was the colour brown and yellow.

The place where you come in side was so fun. Everything was sparkly and shiny and golden and silver.

I really loved it so much and I love the colours so much that I got Jack and Skyla to come and see.

By Autumn Year 1 Room 2

Room 18 has been learning about blending oil pastels and analogous colours.

Greenhithe PTA

Thank you to all the parents and students who participated in the Math-a-thon.  I know the children benefitted from the focus on mathematics, and we raised over $12K for the school!

The Greenhithe School PTA has been very busy with the launch of the ‘Flavours of Home’ Cookbook, tea towels, bags, and dishcloths.  This is such a beautiful piece of history to keep and use! Thank you to all the families who have contributed. Orders can be made from Kindo! 

We also had our Beats by Bingo night, and it was a roaring success, and we raised over $10K.  Lots of fun was had by all, and we are grateful to our sponsors, Anil and Jaydyn from Ray White, and other sponsors who contributed to the auction and raffle prizes.  

Term 4 will see the PTA support the Athletics Day and, of course, our annual Summer Festival which will be held from 3pm – 7pm on December 13th. If you have a company interested in advertising or supporting the event, please email us!

We meet monthly on a weekday evening to discuss all things related to school life, provide a forum for community feedback, and fundraise for additional school resources. Our goal is to continue to grow and nurture the great positive community we have within the school and wider Greenhithe.
Everyone is welcome and is encouraged to come and participate. All of these wonderful initiatives need community support, so please reach out via our email ([email protected]) to find out more!

Thanks Sjaan

Sports Corner     Korero hākinakina

No news this week.

Community Notices

Congratulations to our Greenhithe Football U9 development players who took part in the prestigious Clarrie Morgan Football Tournament earlier this month. Austin, Benji, Jeremy, Luca, Toby and Zach A were part of GFC White, who were undefeated in the festival competition. And Ash, Caleb, Cody and Jackson played in GFC Green, who performed phenomenally over seven games in the knockout tournament, making it all the way to the final. Their medals prove their team is one of the best in Auckland!


Wednesday 23rd October. 5:15pm. Onewa Domain, 2 Akoranga Drive, Northcote.

Keen to give athletics a go? At Takapuna Athletics Club there’s a place for everyone on the track or in the field.

Just want to have fun with your friends and be active? Everyone’s welcome!

  • Try athletics !
  • Police speed gun – discover how fast you are !
  • Meet our athletic stars!
  • $25 Rebel Sports vouchers for the first 10 new members to join on the night.
  • Bring a new friend along and both get an ice block
  • If you are curious about getting your kids into athletics come and see what it is all about.
  • Bring your friends and family!

Website:  Email:[email protected] Facebook:  Instagram

The Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon

Date:  Wednesday 20th November 2024,

8:00 am

Location:  Mountfort Park, Manurewa

Entry Age:  Entry is open to all 6 to 15 year olds.  (Based on age on event day)

Entry Options

  • Individual TRYathlon 7 – 15 years
  • Splash & Dash 6 years
  • Junior Team 7 – 10 years
  • Senior Team 11- 15 years

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