Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Our PRIDE values of Perseverance, Respect, Initiative, Diligence and Excellence are very important to us at school. The children are reminded about what these values look like in many contexts around our school, including in the playground, on the sports field and when learning in the classroom. The leadership team of myself, Kelly Knowles and Michelle Butler give out PRIDE certificates when we catch children obviously showing our values, these are displayed in the office, before coming home with the children. It is one of our highlights to see these values being shown around our school. We acknowledge those children who get these awards in the newsletter. In the last two weeks, the children who have gained these wards are: Zoe Hurst, Zayden Carr, Nate Akkasatethang, Jekyo Won, Otto Grueber, Kaian Carr, Theo Cadness Aspinall.
Fire Drill
Last week we had an impromptu fire drill at 2.55pm. While we wouldn’t have planned an evacuation at this time, it was a good opportunity to complete our termly practice. The children were amazing, despite the distraction of the end of the day and parents on site. They did exactly as they should, followed their class and met at the assembly point. I’d like to thank the parents who followed the procedure of meeting at the assembly point if you are onsite and a fire or evacuation alarm is sounded. Not only does this make it easier for our teachers to keep all the children safe, it also models good behaviour to your children. It was great to see how well our health and safety processes worked.
Road and Parking Behaviours
Unfortunately I am again having to ask some of our community to adhere to road and school rules at drop off and pick up time. The procedures that help keep YOUR child safe include:
- Crossing at the dedicated crossings, again modeling safety
- Parking thoughtfully, which means not on the yellow lines or in the bus bay. These parking infringements are making it unsafe for our crossing patrols, whose vision can be impaired by these parking behaviours.
- Please do not park across the driveways of our neighbours.
I have asked Auckland Transport to attend our school at the start and end of the day to help us to encourage the safe use of the roads. This keeps the children of our school safer. Please be aware that transport staff or the police may be monitoring the areas around the school to help keep our kids safe.
Pink Shirt Day
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!
I am looking forward to wearing my pink shirt tomorrow and seeing our kids being ‘upstanders’. The assembly today was lovely and gave some great messages to support the anti-bullying message. Join us on Friday 20th May for Pink Shirt Day. Our House Leaders will be at the school gates to collect a gold coin donation towards this worthwhile cause.
Nga mihi
Stephen Grady
Principal/ Tumuaki