We continue to watch out for children showing PRIDE values around the school, whether perseverance in meeting a challenge, initiative in supporting one another in class, respect in helping around the school, or diligence in working to the best of their ability, displaying excellence in producing the best learning they can.
Our PRIDE values help us support our school vision: “Our children grow to be capable, balanced and confident learners who embrace new experiences and opportunities”.
Children who have been awarded PRIDE certificates this week are: Ashleigh Mcentee, Ash Hurst, Oliver Pretty, Elijah Yang, Levi Bloem, Amira Cambell, Ellie Muller, Harriet Cotty, Rebecca Qi, Artem Ushnitskii, Reuben Kidd.
The Board
Last night we held the final meeting of our current Board. This group of amazing parents have supported your children through the effective governance of the school over the last three years. When I reflect on the work of the board during this time I hope no other board will ever have to deal with the turbulent and unprecedented period that they have governed through. They have supported me personally and professionally and helped to lead the school in times that none of us hope to ever revisit.
Under their tenure we have maintained a very healthy financial position, despite massive income drops, maintained our high academic standards, had a continued commitment to meeting our obligations to enact Tiriti O Waitangi and supported the school to continue to enhance facilities at our school.
Scott Rees, Bevan MacDonald and Angela Smith are finishing their time on the board, and I would like to thank them on behalf of the school for their contributions. Our Presiding Member (Chair) Kathy Frame, Samantha Ebel-Brown and Kenny Bhosale are standing for election again.
Board Elections
Our elections are going on at the moment, and we have a great field of candidates wanting to support the school by standing for our Board. Please go online, using the link sent to you by CES and vote. If you have any questions you can contact Judi in the office.
Disco and Consultation
What an amazing evening. The children had a wonderful time and I’d like to thank the PTA team for putting on such a great evening for the children. I’d also like to thank the staff who attended and particular thanks must go to Charlene Boyd for her DJing! I’m so happy we are now hosting these events for our community again.
Our PTA team is doing amazing work in both fundraising and designing events, like the quiz night or the disco, that bring our community back together after a long time where we were unable to gather as a school. I really appreciate the time and effort they are putting into all the events.
Over the last term we have held several consultation events with our parent community. These events have included parent interviews, the disco and at Whanau Afternoon, where we gave parents an opportunity to have a say in the future direction of our school strategic planning. The many contributions will now be analysed and form an important part of the strategic planning we are undertaking. Thank you for taking the time to come and chat with us or to put your thoughts on a post-it note.
Parking and Drop off
Unfortunately we are again having to talk about some dropping off of children, particularly on Isobel Road, which is putting your children at risk. The yellow lines should not be stopped upon to drop your child off. By parking on these lines some people are restricting the vision of our road patrollers and making the crossing less safe. We have also seen people swing into driveways in reverse, to avoid having to drive around the block. We have had a couple of near misses of what would have been nasty accidents, with large SUVs pulling into driveways when children were walking on the path.
Our parents supervising the crossing and staff have been trying to talk to parents who continue to park on the lines. We have asked the police to come and monitor this, and they will also send tickets to those infringing the parking rules. There could be both uniformed and non uniformed officers dropping by at any time to try to prevent an accident.
Maths Evening
Thank you to the parents who came along to our maths curriculum evening. It was great to be able to share what maths teaching looks like at our school and we were very lucky to have Marie Hurst to talk to us. A special thank you to Joanna Snowden for her organisation and to the amazing year 6 children who came along to demonstrate our maths activities.
Out of Zone Enrolments
The Board has advised there will be limited places available in the new entrant level (15) and 5 at other year levels for 2023 enrolments for out of zone children to join our school. For more information please look on the school website.
Applications must be received by the school no later than 12.00pm on September 28th 2022, for enrolments in 2023. If a ballot is required (i.e. if the number of applications exceeds the number of vacancies available) this will take place on October 19th 2022.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ngā mihi
Stephen Grady